
Privacy Policy

Last Updated: September 25th, 2024

This policy applies to all information collected or submitted in ExposureMate for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and any other devices and platforms where ExposureMate is made available.

What information does ExposureMate collect?

We strongly believe that your data belongs to you. We do not collect any identifiable information about our users; we only track the bare minimum needed to debug issues, view download and view purchase trends.

A. Personally Identifiable Data

No personally identifiable data is collected and/or stored, without the users express permission.

B. Usage Data

Anonymized information based on your usage of the app is collected in some cases through Apple's built in metrics system.

Examples of such metrics include frequency and duration of usage, significant events and encountered errors if application has crashed etc. but only if you have opted in to such information sharing.

RevenueCat is used for anonymized purchase tracking. This means that when someone makes a purchase in the app, we see that a purchase was made at a particular time in a particular country; no other data is collected, and so this purchase data cannot be linked to a user’s identity. More information on RevenueCat’s privacy policy can be found  here.

B. User Generated Data

No other information is collected at any time. Any data you enter into ExposureMate resides strictly on your device and in your personal iCloud account. We have no means of viewing any user-entered data.

Can I request that my data be deleted?

Yes of course! Any data you generate within the app, such as photos and profiles, reside only on your device and in your personal iCloud account, so you are able to manage your own data through the available Apple settings.

I have more questions about my data?

If you have any questions about this policy and how your data is collected, used, and stored when you use ExposureMate, please feel free to send a support ticket from within the Settings page in ExposureMate or feel free to email me directly trlewi.ytcc@gmail.com with the subject line "ExposureMate - General Inquiry" and let me know how I can help you.

Changes and Updates

If changes are made to the ExposureMate Privacy Policy, these changes will be posted here in a timely manner, so please review it frequently, or at the least, every app update.

Last Updated: September 25th, 2024